Answered By: Reference Library
Last Updated: Nov 06, 2023     Views: 4053

In short : Yes, but with restrictions. 

Book: One chapter or 10% whichever is greater

Article: One article from a journal, or more than one if same topic or for same course of study. 


In depth:

The Copyright Act allows students to copy limited amounts of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works as part of their study at Federation University as long as they comply with the following conditions:

  • The purpose of your proposed use must be research or study. This would include work you are required to undertake as part of the course you are enrolled in at Federation University.
  • The proposed use must be 'fair'.

In most cases you can only copy a reasonable portion of a work. A reasonable portion is the whole of one or more articles from a periodical publication if they are for the same research or course of study, 10% or one chapter of a book or 10% of the number of words in an electronic copy. There are no guidelines for copying of artistic works. See the Federation University Copyright pages and tools