In order to book an appointment in Edge, you can use the following steps:
- Head to Edge at
- Click on 'Students / Alumni'.
- Enter your Student ID and password. This will take you to the Edge homepage.
- On the left menu, click on 'Appointments'.
- Click the button that says 'Request New Appointment'.
- From the drop-down menu under 'Type', select the type of appointment you want.
- Fill in any other details you wish to specify.
- At the bottom of the page, click 'Check Availability'. A list of available appointment times will appear on the right.
- Select the name of the staff member for the appointment slot you want. A pop-up window will appear.
- Add any other details required, and confirm the details are correct.
- Click 'Submit Request'.
You should receive an email once the staff member confirms your appointment.
For more information and help about Edge, including (short videos) on: how to access, main features and bookings.
Please click on this Edge Help link.